Patterns Animation
Letters Animation
Words Animation

Help your pupils reach National Curriculum requirements and develop fluent, legible and speedy handwriting using Letter-join's dictation exercises.

Letter-join’s Dictation Exercises are a great tool for developing children’s written language skills and strengthening spelling in a meaningful way.

Key Stage 1
  • ‍Sentences containing phonemes and graphemes from phonics phases 2 to 5.
  • ‍Sentences and short narratives including common exception and high frequency words.
  • ‍Exercises to practise CVC words, numbers and short poems.
Key Stage 2
  • ‍Exercises using extracts from traditional stories and poems.
  • ‍Short stories modelling the spelling and context of the Year 3/4 and Year 4/5 statutory words.
  • ‍Exercises covering numbers, digits, lists and a longer paragraph.
Click here to see the dictation video.

Example of a short story for KS1 using common exception and high frequency words.